Differences between Accuphase C-2820 and C-3800?

Hi there, I'm mulling over the purchase of the C-2820 but have not totally written off the flagship C-3800. Does anyone know how they differ sonically?

Thanks in advance.
Dave, it is hard to say which choice will yield the best result. Since you buy them form a dealer, can't you do a test?If he is not willing to come over with the units, maybe you can take your speaker to his show room. Nonetheless, my advice will be to get the A-65, but only because it will finalize the search for an amp.

Bvdiman, thanks for the additional info regarding the "pre vs. no pre" issue. I am certainly not surprised to hear that the sound is better when using your pre-amp. After all you use one of the most expensive pre-amps available. It would have been terrible if things where different. :)

Regarding the pre vs. cd player upgrade, it will be much more expensive to upgrade my pre-amp than to buy a DP-800/DC-801 combo. However, while looking at Finite Elemente rack that could accommodate all these Accuphase boxes, I have realized that I actually do not have enough space in my room for such a rack. So, I need to solve this problem first.

Regarding the HS-link cable, I have stumbled on another forum (I've forgotten where) on a thread where you have talked about the top of the line Audioquest network cable and its benefits. I did not play at all with cables so far. The reason is that I am of the opinion that cables are for fine tuning a system with which one is completely happy. Regarding my cables, initially I have used some Audioquest balanced cables (a middle range model, I have forgotten which one). Now I am using two normal but short internet cables as these sounded better than the Audioquests. Once I've settled for a "final" player, I will certainly experiment with cables. Beside Audioquest Diamond, what else do you recommend?
Nvp: Ok, thanks for your answer. He doesn't have the units for demo. Everything is special order in this instance. The dealer is 4 hours from here in Las Vegas. He's in California. There is no Accuphase dealer here. The only way to audition Accuphase is at CES, which I have done in the past 4 years. Ok, that's a good point about the amp. I'll take that into consideration. Also, I have a couple of questiona, do you know if the A-65 will be replaced any time soon? I noticed that the A-65 has been around for a while...And will the A-65 be powerful enough to drive my JBLs? The JBLs are 94 db sensitivity and 6 Ohms impedance.
Here's a link to one Japanese Grand Prix Awards for cabling to use as guideline :


I'm currently using the AIM NA3-R or AQ Diamond RJ/E, both to very good effect albeit
slightly different presentations.

Another well reputed one is the Acoustic Revive LAN which should be better distributed
and cheaper too (around $250 for 1m piece). The AIM, AFAIK, is now only being sold
to/within Japan.

Just a short post to let you guys know that I have replaced the C-2810 pre-amp with the C-3800 pre-amp. I'll elaborate on the differences once the C-3800 is fully burned in.
Cool, sounds good. Congrats on the new preamp. And from reading my posts here, I'm glad I waited for the A-70 to come out! I'm still waiting to see what will replace the C-27.