Digital Amps. How good are they?

Just wondering if anyone has auditioned any of these amps. I know Dunlavy uses Spectron Amps to audion some of their speakers at shows. Other amps are from Bel Canto, Tact,Jeff rowlands. some of the reviews are highly positive
I have read good reviews about the Tact amp. Does anyone have experience with them? For Mikeg and Philefreak, have either of you tried (or use) ferrite clamps, power conditioners, etc. to reduce RF intereference? Kevin points out these are "down-sides" with a digital design. I don't pretend to know anything about the design of a digital amp and I'm sure the manufacturer has adressed RFI and HF energy issues but without good interconnects and power cables/supply you can re-introduce RFI into the system. It seems like these "tweaks" may be more important with a digital design (over linear)? Perhaps the RFI is generated internally in the amp that these "tweaks" won't help? Kevin, maybe you can't/won't answer this, but what is your favorite digital amp? Thanks guys (the ones who actually contributed something to this thread) for your feedback! While I'm not in the market for an amp now, I like the concept of a digital amp very much!
hi philefreak, i tink vinyl is better w/*everything*! ;~) but, it seems to me that vinyl would be especially better w/an amp (or *any* component) that is especially analytical. not sure how a less efficient speaker would help, unless it's known that a particular amp sounds better when driven harder. regards, doug
Treyhoss, when you look inside the Bel Canto, they used a ferrite choke just prior to the transformers (wire is wrapped around the cylinder shaped choke). All of my cables are shielded (Nirvana, Siltech, Powersnakes). I also have 2 dedicated ac lines and use the PS Audio P300 to power the EVo and SACD. I really don't have an RFI problem. The EVo is under review and is being called the "amp of the __"