Digital Dilemma

I purchased an inexpensive Onkyo C-7030 CD Player more as just a transport, but also to use as a benchmark to compare to streaming music on-line. With intentions to get the streamed content to sound as good, if not better, than the CD player could muster.

After sitting my wife down for a listen (she has better ears than me) and playing Tidal, Quboz and then the same tracks on a CD, the CD was the clear winner every time. It also seems the CD playing without using the Gustard R26 DAC didn’t even sound all that much better than when played through the CD Player only, bypassing the R26. That doesn’t say too much for the R26 DAC or alternatively, it says a lot for the DAC in the CD Player!

I am using the R26 as the renderer via a LAN connection that is optically isolated. There are a few filters and adjustments on the DAC, but tweaking those still didn’t get the sound quality up to that of the CD Player.

A lot of you say you have achieved streaming that sounds as good as your analogue systems. What do you think, do I need a betted DAC?


1 year ago I went through the same experience comparing a CD Player ( Nirvana Electronic Works) to my Lampizator DAC( fed by a long wireworld usb cable and macbookpro running Audirvana).


I was shocked, the streaming setup sounded nowhere as good as the cd player, despite costing 6x the price.


I trusted a friend of mine who exposed to me the importance of the source of the source!

It took a dedicated switch with LPSU through a Muon System to a Digital Wattson Streamer with LPSU to the DAC, while everything including the router plugged in a PLIXIR, to sound the way it should. BUT OH BOY! It put the cd player to shame, now the cd player sounded blurry and way smaller in scale, less air, compared to the Streamer-Dac setup...


So was it worth it? The streaming setup cost 4K when put all together... 

For me it was worth it, my biggest pleasure is to explore new music on the fly and only streaming gives me the experience while not sacrificing sound quality.


Navyachts, my 2 cents:

The internal streamer in the R26 gets mixed reviews, but the R2R DAC is thought quite highly of. The C-7030 CD player is very good for the money, if you bypass its internal DAC (I used one for several years). Get a nice streamer with some good cables, and be smart about getting the data into the streamer…..and you should be on your way.

There is some great advice in the previous posts. Best of luck to you!

Navyachts, my 2 cents:

The internal streamer in the R26 gets mixed reviews, but the R2R DAC is thought quite highly of. The C-7030 CD player is very good for the money, if you bypass its internal DAC (I used one for several years). Get a nice streamer with some good cables, and be smart about getting the data into the streamer…..and you should be on your way.

There is some great advice in the previous posts. Best of luck to you!

@vthokie83 The general consensus here is as you state, so I will get a different streamer, my confusion now lies with do I get something like an ifi Zen for a few hundred dollars or spend $5,000K+ (which I don’t have anyways) as others have suggested?

The overall point I was attempting to convey by using my own direct experience as an example was...the importance of understanding and managing your expectations. 

I invested in digital streaming because I wanted to see if the claims made by the market were true. Vastly better quality for a relatively inexpensive investment. In my case $4K was my line in the sand and It still did not get me threre. 

As others have pointed out, and I agree, it will take layers of investment to achieve your goal.  It will cost you $$$$ to get streaming to sound as good as CD. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. In my case the biggest change was adding a power chord (I borrowed from my primary system) that cost 2X more than the entire set up its self and it still did not match up.

A Value Engineered System is a Long Game.

If it were me,  I would take an "organic approach" and start with a versitale Dac/Preamp that will grow with your budget and the technology. You can switch/upgrade streamers, CDP/transports, cables & clocks in and out as you go. 

Invest in a used unit to keep in line with your budget. Look to companies that have solid proprietary technology and upgrade policies... 

What else did I learn...

A few of my peers, who are in IT and proclaimed that streaming was the greatest format of all time also invested in putting together systems for themselves using several top rated Streaming Tecnology forward units. 

Every one of those guys ended up unloading thier systems.

Only one of those guys still streams regularly and that is through his mac book pro.

In my Case - I still have mine, collecting dust waiting to hook up to a secondary multi media system, but that project is on hold because my kids prefer to use thier phones and earbuds; my wife prefers pandora on the refidgerator, And I still prefer the CDP Dac playing Red Book CDs

... mange expectations... Good luck!