Digital microscope recommendations

I'm at a point where I am concerned about the wear and tear on my Lyra Delos, and would like to check its condition through a microscope. Does anyone have a brand/model they can recommend at a reasonable price? Also, what am I looking for? Is any possible damage so obvious it doesn't need an explanation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Pbnaudio...what is RTA? I've never heard of that. There is VTA and SRA. Fremer is a big fan of SRA (Stylus Rake Angle).
I was hoping for something much cheaper than $300, but it's good to know this particular model has proven reliable.

Also, what is it that I'm supposed to be looking for? Is wear and tear obvious when examining a stylus up-close?
MoFi -Work with me here - Real Tracking Angle :-) a combination of SRA and VTA my inability to type made it up :-)

All in good fun
