Digital vs Analog experiment

Here is an experiment I did. I own the same recording as

  • CD
  • High rez file from HD Tracks
  • High rez stream from Tidal
  • LP
  • Exactly same LP recorded by me into 24/96

LP and 24/96 recording sound identical to me. Both sound better than any of the first three. Now, HD Tracks file sounds better than CD, but not by much. Which gives me feeling that what they sell or stream is a studio master before it was downsampled to 16/44 for CD production.

So basically the LP is simply mastered better. CD is mastered to be played in cars and on consumer equipment. LPs tend to be mastered for more advanced listeners, or at least is as compressed.

The issue is not that analog is inherently better. The recording is actually different.


@jasonbourne71  no, the louder sample doesn't always sound better, especially if you listen for a longer duration. By your logic then compressed music would sound best.

@audioman58 - how does power cable improve operation of network stack in the router? What changes exactly?

Power cables act as the last line in filtering,shielding the audio signal.

I spoke in depth with a engineer at Audio Quest ,

And invested in the Tornado sourse power cord , for my digital 

it made a very nice improvement in low level detail and everything was more stable clear in the audio performance , Anthony at Perrotta Consultants gives very attractive package deals to me well worth the expense.

Too many variables in that comparison IMO. CD master and analog master are different. You don’t even know what the master is streaming from HD Tracks or Tidal. I’ve done this comparison many times and got pretty much as many different results. With analog besides dealing with different master you have a cartridge that impacts the sound - different cartridges sound different. You have VTA, overhang, stylus pressure, condition of LP, phono amp quality, gain, etc. 

LPs are inherently noisier as well. Comparing LP to digital is a fool’s errand. I ended up selling my analog setup which was really nice but it couldn’t match digital majority of the time. Good luck with this. 

As to how a power cord can change the sound of a digital component, even a streamer…ac current moves in both directions. Digital components especially those with SMPS tend to be noisy and will pollute your AC line. If you have your analog components on the same circuit they will be impacted…how much depends on power supply filtering. Running digital off a different circuit helps. Good power cords will reject noise to a degree and help as well. Like everything else in system optimization cables matter, the material and construction matters, connectors matter and outlets can change the sound as well. The changes can be both positive and negative. Not all aftermarket power cords will improve the sound of your components. Good and properly designed components will mitigate these issues, amps especially.
Can you hear the changes depends on how trained your ears are, how revealing is your system and how good the acoustics are in your listening space…treated for reflections etc. If you set up your rig in a tiled bathroom power cords and other cables won’t matter. 

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