Dirac - worth activating?

Have pretty much ignored using Dirac from a NAD processor.  Worth doing?   Is it of value/impact sound from preamp used for stereo? 

I have a streamer with dac.  Not sure if a mini dsp is possible since it goes between digital source and a dac.

curious device

I'm not familiar with your setup.  In my situation, the miniDSP DDR-24 is inserted between the preamp and power amp.  The link below goes to the manual.  Check out section 4.4 beginning on page 23.

miniDSP DDRC-24 User Manual

As mentioned earlier, I sold my Legacy Focus speakers and now have Reference 3A Reflectors.  I have yet to insert the miniDSP as I'm in the process of moving to a different house.  My intention is to first prepare the listening room with acoustic panels and then insert the miniDSP afterwards.  As you may have noticed in the manual, there's a bit of a meticulous procedure to calibrate it and I only want to do it once. Also, there's several very good youtube tutorials of Dirac Live that were very helpful.