Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive

I'd like to know your thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of each drive system. I can see that direct drive is more in vogue over the last few years but is it superior to the other drive systems? I've had first-hand experiences with two out of the three drive systems but looking to learn more.
I am using three DDs: Victor 101, Denon DP-100M, Brinkmann Oasis 10th Anniversary. My running belt driven tables are: Continuum Criterion, Micro Seiki SX 8000 double platter and Caeles II. The idler table is an EMT R-80 (Prototyp of 927).

all units are in a state of art condition wearing excellent tonearms and carts (AudioCirc).

you may now ask me what is the best sounding table?Of course all have a specific sound and character. I am playing them all but my favorite at the moment are two vintage designs: the Denon DP-100M and the EMT R-80.

Hi Thuchan,
Thanks for giving us this 'current' appraisal of your turntable preferences...😃
As you are a long time connoisseur (and user) of all turntable is valuable for us to hear your experiences.
I must admit I'm slightly surprised that a belt-drive turntable is not amongst your current favourites as you've been a long-time fan of that technology starting with the SOTA big Micro-Seikis....
You also have the SOTA full Air-Bearing Caeles II which is at the forefront of belt-drive technology like the TechDas Airforce Zero....

It would be interesting to hear your impressions of the differences you find in the vintage DD Japanese turntables like the Denon DP-100M and Victor TT-101 compared to the modern Brinkmann Oasis..?

I use a constrained layer solution on my SP10 MK2  a K-Works ERSA mat made of ERS paper on the plater next is a OEM 1/8 rubber mat and under the record is a Boston Mat 2 all clamped by a Michell clamp . 
I am curious to what tonearms you have tried on the Denon DP100.
Could you please enlighten us.