Yes it goes without saying that the drive can manage an apparently stationary dot over 1.8 seconds. I was referring to a longer time frame, say a complete side of an LP. To me it doesn't really matter if the dot has drifted a little after 20 or so minutes.
We are referring to speed drift. Quite a different metric than W@F and short term speed stability.
In a DD, this drift is related to temperature and the accuracy of the speed reference. A quartz crystal or another form of precision oscillator.
Speed drift on my design is < +- 0.0025%
Yes it goes without saying that the drive can manage an apparently stationary dot over 1.8 seconds. I was referring to a longer time frame, say a complete side of an LP. To me it doesn't really matter if the dot has drifted a little after 20 or so minutes.
We are referring to speed drift. Quite a different metric than W@F and short term speed stability.
In a DD, this drift is related to temperature and the accuracy of the speed reference. A quartz crystal or another form of precision oscillator.
Speed drift on my design is < +- 0.0025%