directional cables?

My IC cables are directional, with arrows pointing the way they should be hooked-up. Q: Should they run with the arrows pointing to my cd player, or to my integrated amp? Thanks.
Al - agreed. I objected only to term "Flow of electrons" since it has nothing to do with fast flow of charge. I stated also that with AC electrons are standing practically still - hardly a "flow of electrons". We can say that electricity (electrons) moves very slow but electric current (charge) moves very fast.

Mr. Simple, here is a simple example.

Water does actually flow i.e. a molecule of water that enters one end of a hose flows down the length of the hose and out the other end. The water molecules in your house started out at the water treatment plant and eventually made it to your home after being pumped into pipes.

Compare that to a power plant that delivers electricity to your home. The power plant is not forcing electrons onto the power grid that then travel many miles to your house. First they step up the voltage to a very high level to increase efficiency and this high voltage electromagnetic wave travels down the wires toward your house. Somewhere close to your house is a transformer that steps the voltage down to a safer level to power your computer. The electrons that were at the power plant are not now flowing through the computer monitor you are reading this on. The energy that the power plant converted from mechanical to electrical with a generator does make it to your house, but it was not carried along by a stream of flowing electrons like the water that flows into your home.


Mr. Simple...

No need for insults.

The electrons that were at the power plant are not now flowing through the computer monitor you are reading this on.

If you really want to get technical, that's not entirely true. Some of them may well be. But that gets a bit deep into quantum theory and would simply be pointless in this discussion.

The energy that the power plant converted from mechanical to electrical with a generator does make it to your house, but it was not carried along by a stream of flowing electrons like the water that flows into your home.

But it was all possible due to flowing electrons. How are the electrons flowing through the conductors of an AC power distribution system fundamentally any different than water flowing in a hose?