directional cables?

My IC cables are directional, with arrows pointing the way they should be hooked-up. Q: Should they run with the arrows pointing to my cd player, or to my integrated amp? Thanks.
Great idea. We will focus on the definition of flow that you believe proves your point.

Bear in mind, my position hinges on my belief that the people who discovered AC didn't fully understand what was happening and incorrectly decided to use the word flow.

Please have a seat. I am about to destroy your position. Sorry this is long but you seem to need definitive proof.

I will now prove that the definition you are hanging your hat on describes motion in one direction.

"That which runs or flows, a stream ; spec. a portion of a body of water, or of air, etc. MOVING IN A DEFINITE DIRECTION."
In a dictionary a definition is often followed by a common use of the word. This common use is designed to make sure it can only be taken one way. In this case they use the common example of a flowing stream of water because everybody except you knows that a flowing stream of water moves in one direction.

If they had said "that which runs or flows, a pendulum" then you would be correct.

Give me one example of a flowing stream of water where the molecules of water vibrate about a fixed point. Better yet, give me an example of a stream of anything that vibrates about a fixed point.

Your definition uses the word stream. Here is a definition. Everything in it means moving in one direction.

Main Entry: 1stream
Pronunciation: \ˈstrēm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English streme, from Old English strēam; akin to Old High German stroum stream, Greek rhein to flow
Date: before 12th century

1 : a body of running water (as a river or brook) flowing on the earth; also : any body of flowing fluid (as water or gas)
2 a : a steady succession (as of words or events) b : a constantly renewed or steady supply c : a continuous moving procession
3 : an unbroken flow (as of gas or particles of matter)
4 : a ray of light
5 a : a prevailing attitude or group b : a dominant influence or line of development

Do a google on your catchphrase "moving in a definite direction.". Every example I found was describing something moving in one direction. In fact, they were using it to emphasize that it was in one direction, well, except the ones that point to this thread.

Here are a few examples

An electron tends to act more like a water wave than a billiard ball. At any one moment in time the ball is in some definite place; it is also moving in some definite direction at a definite speed.

After decades of floundering, thrashing about trying this and that latest scheme to renew the church, we are at last focusing and moving in a definite direction.

If you're driving in a car on the freeway at 70mph and see a car in the next lane matching your speed, you can easily tell it's heading in a definite direction -- same as yours -- at 70mph.

Thus the object can’t move in a continuous way, since continuous motion requires a definite direction, for example, in one-dimensional situation, the object must select a preferred direction, right or left to move continuously.

Make sure the class knows that you are not referring to waves, but actual, massive "rivers" of water moving in definite directions.

When a school is moving in a definite direction, it is necessary to set the bag of the net as squarely across its path as conditions permit.

Rather, the true movement of the social cycle may be likened to a spiral movement; it is circular, but moving in a definite direction, making definite progress. This progress can be recognized as movement toward a greater expansion of consciousness.

Simply pointing in a random direction and exploring no longer works for fans of today. Star Trek fans expect an engaging, fast moving story with a definite direction in mind.

I challenge you to find one that doesn't describe it as making progress and moving in one direction and instead talks about moving back and forth.

Like I've been saying all along, give me one example besides AC where flow is used to describe periodic motion.

I wish I was as wise as Almarg. When he recognizes the person he is dealing with is arguing without basis he politely drops out. The teacher in me foolishly thinks he can educate someone who's mind is closed. This has been fun but I don't see where you can possibly defend yourself any longer. I truly and I hope graciously (except for the snide comments) back away.

I will now prove that the definition you are hanging your hat on describes motion in one direction.

As I said previously, at any given time, the motion IS IN ONE DIRECTION. Not in two directions, or five directions or a dozen directions. But ONE DIRECTION.

While the SPECIFIC direction may eventually change, you're still left with motion in ONE DIRECTION at any given time.

Let me get my battery, polarity switch, 100 feet of wire and light bulb again. And I'd like to ask you two simple questions.

I flip the switch one way for ten seconds.

First question: Was there any "current" "flowing" during that ten seconds?

Then I flip the switch the other way for ten seconds.

Second question: Was there any "current" "flowing" during that ten seconds?
I hate to say it but I'm beginning to believe you are an idiot, you are just so pig headed that you can't admit you are wrong, or you are having fun at my expense.

While the SPECIFIC direction may eventually change, you're still left with motion in ONE DIRECTION at any given time.

That is hilarious. Everything I just stated has to do with continuous motion in one direction with no reversal and no reference to a change at ANY point in time. ALL periodic motion has "motion in ONE DIRECTION at any given time." For that matter all motion fits that description since you can't be moving more than one direction at any given time. Using that notion to defend your position is ridiculous.

You have yet to come up with anything that links periodic motion and flow.

Every single example I gave including the definition that YOU used to try and prove YOUR point indicated a single direction that never, ever, reversed direction. Nothing ever alluded to the possibility that the stream reversed at any point in time. Nothing even hinted that the direction eventually changed.

You wanted to get back to basics yet you can't refute any of these points.

I challenge you to find one that doesn't describe it as making progress and moving in one direction and instead talks about moving back and forth.

Give me one example besides AC where flow is used to describe periodic motion.

Give me an example of a stream of anything that vibrates about a fixed point.

If it wasn't so much fun to point out the idiocy of your position I would have dropped this long ago. Yes, that makes me a petty person but if you can't make fun of internet idiots what else is there?

I'm sorry. That was cruel. Here is what you should do. Take a day or 2 to absorb what I just said. Realize that everything I said makes perfect sense and everything you've brought up is a silly convolution of the facts. Realize that I laid down some specific challenges that you can't possibly refute. Realize that I systematically destroyed your arguments about definite direction.

Until you can specifically address each of the points I brought up in this and my last post you should save yourself the embarrassment and just drop it.

I will now bow to my mentor Almarg.



I asked two simple questions which required no more than two simple answers. Instead of answers to those questions, I get personal attacks.

I'll try one more time.

I flip the switch one way for ten seconds.

First question: Is there any "current" "flowing" during that ten seconds?

I flip the switch the other way for ten second.

Second question: Is there any "current" "flowing" during that ten seconds?

Like I've been saying all along, give me one example besides AC where flow is used to describe periodic motion.

Just so you won't have any more excuses to avoid answering the two simple questions I put to you.

ALTERNATING FLOW of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Tubes of Arbitrary Cross-section

Single needle ALTERNATING FLOW blood pump system

To give adequate protection to erosion-susceptible soils subject to an ALTERNATING FLOW of water, it is vital that...

The Use of ALTERNATING FLOW to Characterize Porous Media Having Storage Pores

Screen Filter Module for ALTERNATING FLOW Filtration

Electromechanical controller for dishwasher with ALTERNATING FLOW

Study on ALTERNATING FLOW Hydraulic System : 1st-Report, Fundamental Consideration on a Single Phase System

There is a substantial difference between a straight-flow and ALTERNATING-FLOW steam engine In the working of the exhaust

The liquid medium may be supplied continuously to the vessel by a pump (16), while a piston (18) subjects the liquid medium to an ALTERNATING FLOW which ensures that the contents of each chamber (24) are well mixed and that the residence time for cells in the vessel (12) is substantially uniform.

Cardiac Cycle-Dependent ALTERNATING FLOW in Vertebral Arteries with Subclavian Artery Stenoses.

The science of swara yoga deals directly with this ALTERNATING FLOW of forces.

Etc. etc. etc.