Do active speakers interest you? Also, let's talk directivity

Hey all. Don't think I've ever made a thread here. This is a super interesting community for me. I'm an audio professional, a mastering engineer and music educator. I'm someone who differs from much of the pro community, in that I don't see a difference between "pro" systems and "high-end" systems. 

There is one way they often differ, and that is in terms of directivity. Home systems are more frequently omni, while and studio or live sound requires directivity.

This was definitely the case in the 70s, back when audiophiles still had parties :D 

It's very hard to set up a directional system to fill a large room evenly unless you use a line array.

But let's be honest. Aren't we mostly sitting and listening, and hoping for a good image? We aren't expecting every spot in a big room to sound exactly the same for every guest. Personally, my social life is 95% virtual now and I am generally listening in my mastering room. I have a high end system in every room in my house, but my wife uses the living room system more than me (and she has better taste in music, so it's nice to learn about some new artists when she decides to put something on from he collection).

Anyway, I'm designing an active system. Though the cabinet is not large, with a combination of Hoge's principles and active electronics, we will achieve accurate response through to 20hz.

The reason to choose an active crossover is very obvious. Sending power directly to each driver allows us to use a very low sensitivity woofer, which thus plays much deeper than expected. We are using a ported woofer and a sealed midrange/hi cabinet, which are not sold separately. An interesting feature is the the very low-crossed ribbon tweeter carrying all of the high midrange and treble

It's an 1800w system, aimed at both the professional and home market. I'm curious, does this sound interesting to anyone? We are intending to have a prototype ready by 2022, so it is a ways off.

Part of the directivity concept is also dealing with room issues. Cancelling the rear energy of the woofers can help. I am inspired by Bruno and Merjin (whatever  his name :P). a big part of our concept has to do with advanced acoustic materials, which I don't want to discuss too much, as I don't think anyone else has thought of it or connected with that maker, yet

Curious to hear people's thoughts!
Thanks for the information about Joachim Kriesler.  I've admired the ME Geithain monitors from afar, as I don't know how they get cardioid behavior well down into the bass region WITHOUT using a second woofer.  They claim THREE octaves of cardioid behavior with their passive cardioid enclosure, and imo that's amazing.  

I need an explanation here, there are wonderful DSPs for reasonable money readily available.
Room correction, driver equalization, delay, phase, level , input in the digital domain, what is it you are missing?
Those units were godsend after all those years with Op-Amps, initially you had to write efficient code but since almost 20 years the interface is much more user-friendly.
"Here is an audiophile who finds fewer components of interest."

Me too, but ... 
even with actives, you still may very well need at least one component upstream, unless your actives have a built-in streamer and that is your only source.  Even if your actives do have a built-in streamer, chances are, you'll want a music server.  Or something.  At the very least, you'll have a power cord from each speaker, plus an ethernet cable going into one of them, plus a cable connecting the two.  So much for reducing cable-clutter around the speakers. Especially if you're also connecting multiple sources such as a turntable in addition to a streamer.  

Yes, whoever mentioned that DSP is much more accessible now is 100% correct. This is the route to take. They can be easily programmed and fitted into the unit, and are much more flexible than analog devices.  

Glad to see so much activity on the thread!

Legacy focus xd active speakers with wavelet?  I currently have the signature se. models and like them .but think the focus will be a big improvement . I have my room treated and have BHK PSAUDIOS separates with cat 5 morrow wiring   and 2 SVS  3000 subs ....  Can anyone from experience give me their thoughts on the situation???