Do Any High End Speakers Boogie/Rock? BW 804 Blues

Hello Fellow Audiogoners: I am interested in hearing if any audiophile sytems (speaker plus amplification) that can boogie and rock! What I mean here is a detailed but coherent and rich sound, not like a bunch of separate instruments that don't gell together. And not biased so brightly that symbols and highs dominate, making a thin and grating sound. I wonder if it is possible in what appears to be the analytical world of high end audio.

I'm a frustrated B&W Nautilis 804 owner that likes rock/blues/ok recorded cds in addition to jazz, classical, vocal etc, and I'm not interested in endless tweaking of cables/amplifiers/source to try to get these revealing speakers to sound good on a majority of my music collection.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Jeffsel..I know how you feel, I too was a frustrated rocker only after good sound quality. I then found ATC speakers and haven't looked back. Can rock without pulling the sound apart. Always cohesive and can play LOUD!
My Merlin VSM-MM speakers does all music types very well,the best of all the speakers I've had.Amp:Pathos Logos.
I know exactly what you mean with your question,I am a previous B&W owner...

for me the mcintosh xrt 22's are the end but since i own them i wont give the big speel.

i recently listened to the vmps line & was mighty impressed.
Why are you a frustrated B&W Nautilis 804 owner?
What is the rest of your system?
I have the following system:
Musical Fidelity A3 Pre Amp
Rotel 1080 Power Amp
Cary 202/200 CD
Harmonic Tech Truthlink Cables

This system sounds good for Classical, Jazz Ensemble, Vocals, but not 80% of my rock and blues collection.