Do audiophiles have a high divorce rate?

Somebody told me yesterday that a study that looked at personality traits of people who got divorced found that people who were picky and difficult to satisfy were over-represented in the divorce population.

That got me thinking: picky and difficult to satisfy -- that doesn't sound like any of us, does it?

From your observations, do you think that audiophiles might have a higher divorce rate than the general population because of certain personality characteristics?

Just hoping my hypothesis is wrong.

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If it is not too personal, what made you pick that name?

Married once, approaching our 2 year anniversary. Together 5.

First time she came over to my place she asked, "why do you have a record collection, but no turntable, or speakers!?!?" I didn’t have a good answer, and that’s what got me going on this hobby.

Her only regret these days, is having brought up that question..


There is an article on that nicely links those two.