Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
ganainm wrote,

“And the reason the burden of proof is not onthe sceptics is because of 150 years of Electrical Theory and Engineering not to mention the huge majority of actual unbiased blinded testing. If that stuff means nothing to you, well there really isn’t a discussion to be had.”

>>>>>Huge majority of actual unbiased blinding (sic) testing? Name one. 

ganainm then wrote,

“And if one CAN offer repeatable, verifiable evidence of the Highly Unlikely in signal transmission, well, as I tell my friends who are fervent believers in ESP or ghosts, or UFO’s or homeopathy, great, bring it on I would truly love to have a solid paradigm stood on it’s head. I WANT to believe in magic, really I do.”

>>>>Typical beginner pseudo skeptic mistake. Accusing the other side of believing in UFOs, ghosts, etc. As if pseudo skeptics are not crazy or deluded. 😛

ganainm then wrote,

“That seems to be the last of what I have to offer this thread, thanks for the many well intentioned thoughtful and funny posters of all mind sets. Shame about the other types. Good night and joy be with you all.”

>>>>>That’s all ya got? Oh, well, b-bye!
I think cables make a difference, but I think beyond a point it’s more about stoking the users ego, vanity, and delusions than achieving higher quality audio. If you NEED a $10,000 interconnect cable to get what you’re looking for, to ADD the color you’re seeking (or your purely opinionated lack of), I think you should be reevaluating your choices of components.

>>>>Earth to Costco - nobody uses $10,000 interconnects. Well, maybe one or two. Anyone can come up with some ridiculous example. By the way, Is is stoking the ego or stroking the ego? I gather from your posts you’re a stroker.

Let the witch hunt continue! 
... the reason the burden of proof is not onthe sceptics is because of 150 years of Electrical Theory and Engineering not to mention the huge majority of actual unbiased blinded testing. If that stuff means nothing to you, well there really isn't a discussion to be had ...
This is a hobbyist group, so there's actually no "burden of proof" on anyone here. No one in this group owes you anything. But since you bring up "actual unbiased testing," please do tell us about those tests. Who designed them, who conducted them, who participated? Please also tell us about what you call the the minority of tests where the results were not consistent with your beliefs.

If you're not willing to share details, "well there really isn't a discussion to be had."

The OP asked simply, "Do cables really matter?"

My answer is 100% subjective from long experience. I don’t need to qualify anything quantitatively. This is my personal opinion and my long term investments in equipment and software over many years qualifies me to be able to make this call. Yes, they do matter! That’s my answer to the OP’s question.

Now, ask me a specific question about any of the brands I mentioned and I will be happy to respond, as long as you are willing to take the system and listening room contexts into account and that are acknowledged as contributory to my opinions. There are no absolutes here, only impressions. What I like personally, someone else here may dislike. What I can discern as a difference, someone else could negate and dismiss. Judge for yourself.

Personally, I would never spend $10K on a cable due to the asymptotic law of diminishing returns.
By the way, the reason I implied belief in UFOs is not a logical argument for pseudo skeptics to use is because, well, speaking frankly, there is no proof that UFOs don’t exist. I realize it sounds cool to say oh, that guy probably believes in UFOs if he believes in expensive cables. Yuk, yuk! That’s why it’s not a real argument. It’s a phoney argument. But, you know how people are, they believe things because that’s what they choose to believe. People who don’t believe in UFOs don’t have any real scientific basis, or any kind of basis, for that particular belief other than that’s what they choose to believe. At one time I worked a few blocks from Project Bluebook, the US Air Force office that studied UFOs and UFO sightings. I was also a few blocks away from where the live or dead aliens were taken from Roswell for who knows what. 👽 But I’ve said too much.