Short answer, no they don't.
Long answer. There is such a small differnce that the average person would not be able to pick up. Thos golden ears that will be able to do so will not experience an enlightenment of their musical enjoyment. Just a slight difference.
There's PLENTY of blind / double blind test on the net that prove that.
Here's a page with a lot of links:
But just do your searches and you will come up with a lot of links. Bottom line of all those tests is cables make little if any difference. Same for electronics from a minimum quality level up.
According to that here's how you should spend your hifi budget:
90% speakers
9% electronics
1% cables
Long answer. There is such a small differnce that the average person would not be able to pick up. Thos golden ears that will be able to do so will not experience an enlightenment of their musical enjoyment. Just a slight difference.
There's PLENTY of blind / double blind test on the net that prove that.
Here's a page with a lot of links:
But just do your searches and you will come up with a lot of links. Bottom line of all those tests is cables make little if any difference. Same for electronics from a minimum quality level up.
According to that here's how you should spend your hifi budget:
90% speakers
9% electronics
1% cables