So back to this statement you made earlier....
You are born listening .
Which got me thinking, as I remembered a saying that I believe is quite germane to the discussion. The saying goes something like this " you hear with your ears, and you listen with your brain."
So off I went and wandered the interwebs looking for something along the lines of that line and found the following.
https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-hearing-and-listening.htmlNow it is not a tractate or anything but it does a nice job explaining the differences between listening and hearing and worth a quick look see.
Someone rightly said, “Hearing is through ears, but listening is through the mind.” The two activities hearing and listening involve the use of ears, but they are different
Definition of HearingThe natural ability or an inborn trait that allows us to recognize sound through ears by catching vibrations is called the hearing. In simple terms, it is one of the five senses; that makes us aware of the sound. It is an involuntary process, whereby a person receives sound vibrations, continuously.
Definition of ListeningListening is defined as the learned skill, in which we can receive sounds through ears, and transform them into meaningful messages. To put simply, it is the process of diligently hearing and interpreting the meaning of words and sentences spoken by the speaker, during the conversation.
Listening is a bit difficult, because it requires concentration and attention, and the human mind is easily distracted. People use it as a technique to comprehend, what is being said, through different verbal and non-verbal signs, i.e. how it is being said? What type of words is used? Tone and pitch of voice, body language and so on.
Active listening is the key element; that makes the communication process effective. Further, it encompasses making sounds that show listener’s attentiveness and providing feedback. It had a greater influence in our lives and used to gain information, learn and understand things and so on.
And to summarize.
The hearing is an inborn ability but listening is a learned skill
Which was one of the main points the article I posted earlier revolved around, and which, very oddly, you seemed to really miss the boat on, and which is kinda sorta critical to this discussion, read, you are not born listening but you are born hearing, and listening is a learned skill, which kinda sorta implies you can have "skilled listeners" , you know, folks like musicians and stuff.
And btw the "beep" tests that naysayers love so much measure hearing, and listening, which is the thingee that allows one to make judgements about cables. not so much.
So carry on. Very much looking forward to your next pile of gobbledygook, errrr, tractate.