Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


Empiricism, subjectivism, objectivism, et al are interesting classifications of thought but no matter what label you put on one’s way of thinking, they all distill down to individual sensory perception. It can’t be any other way. It’s all sensory input. I’m gonna call it Sensorial Perceptionism. Fancy! Feel free to spread it around or, you know, not. Either way, my senses won’t perceive any hard feelings. Or will they...? Beats me, I put on two different shoes this morning.

Anytime one of these wire threads come up I am always amazed at the non believing responses as they are derived from ignorance and or financial jealousy. It seems like many are afraid that anything that might be better is a reflection of the size of there manhood. Most of the doubtful posters likely don’t think there is a difference in one bottle of scotch to the next. There choice for best costs 20 dollars it it is the same as a 20 000 dollar bottle yet they have never tasted it. Many on here would be better to be happy with what they have and quit trying to belittle people that have more to spend then they do. There lives would be more peaceful and rewarding when they realize that.

"Many on here would be better to be happy with what they have and quit trying to belittle people..."

Right back at ya...