Do i get the old or new Classe amps?

I need opinions of Classe users. The advent of new Classe CA amps under the xx1 series - 151, 201, 301 and 401 have meant that the older series are now considerably cheaper used. Classe claims the new xx1 amps have better circuits and parts. How much significant is the sound improvement in the new design from the old model, eg the CA 200 vs the 201? Is it worthwhile paying premium for the new models? I am thinking of saving up for a Classe pre and power but am undecided if I should go for a used amp bargain or to go the full hilt and get them brand new.
If you want to decide between a CA200 and a CA201, go with the CA200. I had it confirmed by the sales manager for Classe that the major difference between the two is cosmetic.( that explains why the price for the 201 has not gone up from the 200 !).
The real difference, sonically, start from the CA301 upward all the way to the Omega. And this is why the pricing is also up significantly from the CA301.
I agree with some others here that the 01 series starting from the 301 have more extended highs, in fact they are more dynamic in comparison to the 00 lines.
To support my claims, I have the experience of starting from the CA150, to CA200 to the CAM-350 mono blocks I now have. One important point is when you want to pair any of these amps with a Classe pre-amp, you have to start at least from a CP-50. Anything less than that would be doing injustice to the new 01 series starting from the CA301, IMHO.
Happy hunting !
I second the advice to spring for the old series designed by the talented Mr. Reich, especially the DR-6 and DR-9. These may be just a little dark sounding but they are unfailingly musical even (or should I say, especially) compared to amplifiers of recent provenance.

A little bird tells me there is a set for sale for Sing$4500 at the second-hand dealer at Roxy's along East Coast Road.