Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?

I recently got an Ayre v-5xe Amp for my two channel setup (with Revel f208 speakers and PS Audio Directstream DAC). At a good price locally.

I looked at the matching K-5xe MP matching preamp, but it’s too expensive brand new and nothing available used.

Do I have to get a matching brand preamp? Or something different would do. My budget for the Preamp is around two grand.

((((Yeah... I missed that k-5xeMP here a few days ago at a great price. The guy did not even know it was MP version.... by the time I checked and confirmed with Ayre on serial number, it was gone.)))

 You're about to blow it again

(((The one on eBay is “x” version, not even “xe”.)))

 Its still a killer unit and matches your amp can upgrade with Ayre later use w seller as a bargaining chip.
Its sure seems hard for you to see the big picture.
Sorry but you will thank me later 
@audioconnection that’s actually funny!

Are you saying I should get the k-1xe on Audiogon or the K-5x on eBay?
K-1xe is the superior sounding preamp of the two but it is older so if that is a deal breaker for you get the K5.

Or wait a couple of weeks.  These do definitely come up used with some frequency.