Do Jumpers make an audible difference?

I have recently completed my Shunyata loom of cables except for the jumpers. I'm currently using Nordost Heimdals and was wondering if moving to the Shunyata VTX jumpers would net enough sonic benefit to warrant the upgrade. Would like to hear from those who have upgraded jumpers and what those experiences have been. Thanks
I should think cryoing the jumpers and installing them in the correct direction would be as good idea. Ditto the fuses.
What I wonder is how many of those who have experienced significant sonic improvements by upgrading jumpers have gone back and forth two or three or more times between the original and upgraded jumpers, to verify that the improvement was not simply due to differences in contact pressure, or to extraneous variables such as equipment being in unequal states of warmup. And if prior to performing the comparison a good contact cleaner was used to assure that oxidation on the surfaces of the original jumpers was not a factor.

-- Al
There will be no resolution lost in a second pair of, let's say 2M, speaker cables.

Just wanted to correct a previous post.
A relevant thread covering similar topic in WBF :
Audible difference? Yes for sure, but not necessarily better. There's no substitute for experimentation. Before spending big bucks, buy some different wire and make some sets to try out.