Do Transports Matter???

I borrowed an outboard D/A from a friend to try in my system. My intent was to hook the analog outs on my CDP to one input on my preamp and the analog outs of the DAC to another input so I could a/b my player with and without the DAC. However something is wrong with the digital out on my player because I couldn't lock a siginal with the DAC. So I grabbed my pioneer DVD Player and hooked it up as a transport. Everything sounds awesome, made a big difference in my system(won't go into details). The outboard also puts the DVD players onboard DAC to shame(well duh). But this of course also made me wonder if using a different transport(my cdp if it worked)would make any difference?? In reality the DVD player is reading the CD and sending 0s and 1s to the DAC where its reclocked anyway. I know that sometimes little things make a difference, even though on paper they shouldn't. Being this is my first expirence with an outboard DAC, I am just curious if what you use as a transport makes any difference

Tok20000 i freely admit that i found many similar or even same viewpoints reading your posts.
It amazes me over and over again that people refuse to believe their senses only because there is no "scientiffic" explanation for it. I don't even feel sorry for them anymore, i've just excepted that there are (too?) many people like that...
We can (can we?) mistify it even further by mentioning other"things" even harder to explain, that under "right" circumstances realy do make a difference...but that's another "story".
Best regards.
I cannot resist. How about a high end low ball? For a cd transport some have got very positive results with well-built old tech costing a mere $$599 in the 90's, now costing pennies on the dollar. Compare its performance with any dvd player or mid-fi cd player as transport. You may be surprised, nay astonished. In any case, if you want to compare cd transports, it is nice to have a variety of machines at hand for just that purpose.
Are we able to communicate with the dead through a seance? If you say no, the beliefs you are negating may be your own. And now it's back to the Montgomery Brothers for some music for me, I opened my mind up a bit too much tonight at the behest of Tok 2000 and David s. I am afraid of what might find it's way in there, not much room left in this small mind of mine.