Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?
I do agree with one sentiment it is overpriced. How did this get started again 7-8 years later?
I have only admired one Mcintosh piece, the 50W-1 Power Amplifier. I have only heard one once. The rest are for bling.
I was the original op on this post and I have since heard a lot of mc gear. Even though I think it is good stuff I still prefer my ARC gear better. I think the Mac gear has better resale than ARC. The funny thing is 8 years since I started this thread Mc and Arc are owned by the same company. Who would of ever guessed that 8 years ago.
I think the more interesting question is who buys McIntosh Speakers? You never hear about them in any of the forums or see any print coverage or show coverage, yet McIntosh has been making them for decades - someone must be buyig them? Any good? Overpriced? As for my 2 cents on the electronics, I am surprised no McIntosh historians (of which I am not one) have weighed in. From what little I know, after the vacuum tube heyday they made transistor gear (like everyone else) which sucked, were bought out at least once in between or more, and then in the late '90s started making great stuff again. I have owned the MC300 and C15 combo, the MA6900, the 70's MA5100, and the MC240 and C22. Before getting long, two specific anecdotes. 1) I had B&W Matrix 802's in the late 90's and only when I paired them with the McIntosh MC300 did I feel like I was getting the best out of the speakers. 2) I heard the MC402 a couple years ago that made a pair of Spendor speakers sound like some of the best music I have ever heard in an audiophile system...
Jimmy2615, when going to a CES show in Vegas some years ago the guys next to me were raving about the new McIntosh speakers. One told the other that he should immediately go and hear them. I decided to do so myself. After checking in and dropping my suitcase in my room, I went to the McIntosh room. I was welcomed by a pretty girl who gave me a brochure. I walked into the room which for a change had only music playing. It was terrible! I turned around and on passing her said that I had forgotten an appointment. I never heard anyone say that I needed to hear the McIntosh speakers at that show.

So I agree with you. I have owned only a McIntosh tuner and took it on trade. It was good.