Do we still need 6550 or KT88 tubes?

I would like to learn your opinion and experience with KT120 tubes.

Considering that KT120 match 6550 or KT88 based amp (is a direct replacement), how do you like the sound of KT120?
Do we still need 6550 or KT88 tubes?
Do we still need to pay for NOS power tubes?

BTW at the moment a KT150 tube is announced. Should be even better than KT120 and could be interesting upgrade for current KT120 owners.
The more the merrier. We need them all.The KT120 and KT150 aren't a direct replacement for all 6550 and KT88 based amps such as the Rogue Cronus and I'm sure many others.
I've heard from service technicians that the KT-120 are just terrible (that seems to come from a reliability viewpoint). 6550s and KT-88s will have a home for decades to come in guitar amps and vintage audio gear. So yes, we still need them.
Probaly the greatest audio designer that ever lived, Stu Hegeman, said the 6550 was far better than the KT-88.