Do you leave your components on 24/7?

Lately I've been leaving my components on all the time, on the assumption that a) they'll be ready when I want to listen, and b) the on/off cycle ages the equipment (tubes, anyway) faster than leaving everything on. Is the latter a reasonable assumption?
I have a Wadia 861 thats been on 24/7 for well over 5 years.Not one problem.

Wadia recommends that it stay powered up for several reasons.As they put it..."The unit will remain thermally stable for less stress and wear on internal circuitry and for best sound quality as well."

Who am I to urgue with them.
Both of my preamps (2 rooms) are designed with on/off switches, which control power to other devices plugged into them(I do not do this). The active circuitry was designed to always be on. I also leave my power amps on all the time, as well as my dacs. My transports, tuners and other sources go on as I listen. I find that amps sound better when on 24/7 as well as dacs. I do not use tubes, even though I own horns....
Also wanted to mention I will play some music for 5/10 minutes to "open the system up" before I seriously sit and listen.
I turn everything off except a Rel sub that's designed to be left on (no on/off switch anyway, and it's plugged into a different outlet...I unplug it when gone for days) as not much is happening until it gets a signal. Otherwise, having had gear work for MANY years without any issues from switching, I feel that more is likely to go wrong when electrons are running around my gear without adult supervision. I did have a hybrid guitar amp die from being on for a week once. I think it makes my gear appreciate me and perhaps look forward to seeing me as I can use my "godlike" powers to give it life. Am I insecure?