You missed the point. If your are into music, then there is nothing wrong or unusal with speanding a lot of time and money on equipment. But, some people, and I have known several, speand a lot of money on equipment, changing very often, and maybe purchase less than a dozen CDs or LPs. Which is everyone's right, I just don't understand the isolated attraction of stereo gear, without a corresponding interest in the function or purpose of the gear.
You missed the point. If your are into music, then there is nothing wrong or unusal with speanding a lot of time and money on equipment. But, some people, and I have known several, speand a lot of money on equipment, changing very often, and maybe purchase less than a dozen CDs or LPs. Which is everyone's right, I just don't understand the isolated attraction of stereo gear, without a corresponding interest in the function or purpose of the gear.