Do you really need ultra expensive cables?

I was always told that you need to spend about 30-40% overall budget on cables to have good sounds. To some equiqment manufractures, that is not the case.

For those of you who visited McIntosh at HE 2003. What do you think about their Stereo set-up? Do you reallized that they spend less than 3% on cables? Not that they can't afford them. But their arguement was that if your equiqments are so nice, and so musical, why do you have to depends on cables to improve sounds. What do you think of that?

I don't think the cables improve the sound but rather don't degrade the sound being transfered.
Like anything else, imperfect cabling strips away the sonics of the music. Since there is no such thing as a 'perfect' cable, amp, etc., some strive for the cable that is closest to perfect.

As Brian pointed out above, cabling itself does not or should not improve the sound. However, if you install a nearer to perfect cable in place of a very poorly designed cable, there is almost always a definite improvement.

My guess is those that claim one should spend 30 - 40 percent on cables, simply haven't done their homework, or their bank accounts are large enough that they need not have to do their homework.

For example, the Nordost Valhalla speaker cable (which some consider the cable to beat) costs something like $4000 for a 2 meter pair. (not sure of exact costs).

I did some research and found that the Audience Au24 speaker cable is preferred by some to many (including Stereophile) as being better than the Valhallas. And they retail for about 1/4th the price of the Valhallas.

I've never listened to the Valhallas critically, but I can say that the Audience Au24 has done wonders in my system toward minimizing/eliminating much time-smear, lack of grain, etc.. And I paid less than the retail price.

There is a saying in this hobby: "You have to spend a lot of many in this hobby to realize you don't have to spend a lot of money."

Those that make such claims as you state above are simply still in the process of spending a lot of money.

I don't mean that as a slam. I mean if somebody has the money, by all means go spend it and help the economy.

But just because $50k worth of cabling bettered a system's sonics does not mean that the spender just discovered that everybody else must also spend $50k on cabling to realize the same performance.

Simply because there's always $5k worth of cabling out there somewhere that will run circles around the $50k cables.