Back in 1986 I ordered a Technics SLP-100 cd player (silver) from the States as Canadian prices were double. Was so excited when I got it!! I remember it has super fast access to tracks, but boy.... sure sucked when it came to audio! Bled my ears for a few years with that piece of crap till it started skipping like a pre-teen with a rope. Cleaned the lens, re-lubed the laser slider track and then gave the piece of crap to a friend (poor guy... but it was free). Then I bought a Mission Cyrus PCMII. Great machine for its time. I'm up to a Meridian 602 with a 606 DAC. 10 year old gear that sounds STUNNING. If anyone has a spare laser for the 602 I will buy it. NOW! My machine doesn't skip, never has (knock on wood).