Do you use a Subwoofer when listening to stereo?

I thought using a 12 inch b&w asw 2000 sub would b good to allow my b&w 804 d3’s to better handle freq above 80 hz (ie. benefit from sharing burden).  I am not sure this is prudent as my well powered 804s can probably handle those lower frequencies just fine, and may make them sound better vs cutting them off from flowing thru the 804s.
My Stereo listening is done by streaming thru a nucleus connected via usb to a chord Hugo tt2 and then to a marantz 5014 via coaxial, then to a McIntosh mc255 and then off to speakers referred to above

 Does excluding sub from stereo make sense?
mijostyn, the Ayre preamp has two pair of analog outputs.  Are you implying that using a splitter to mix the output of one pair is likely to effect the output of the other pair?  

I suppose an alternative is to take the second output from the Ayre preamp to the LR inputs of the Bryston SP3 processor set to by-pass, and take its sub output to the SMS-1 acoustic room corrector.  The SP3 does have digital bass management and I think by-pass mode lets the Ayre control the volume.

Just to be clear, for stereo the setup is Roon via ethernet to Ayre QX-5 endpoint, balanced analog to Ayre KX-5/20 preamp and VX-5/20 amp.  

... Ayre preamp has two pair of analog outputs.  Are you implying that using a splitter to mix the output of one pair is likely to effect the output of the other pair ...
Such outputs are almost always in parallel so yes, if you join L and R on one set of outputs you'll have the same result on the other.
Using subs while running main speakers as they were designed at full range, at least the full range they're capable of, works fine. My 2 RELs simply enhance the sound of my mains and add the necessary low bass, and are easily dialed in without the unnecessary addition of an extra crossover...time for low bass is essentially irrelevant and correct phase is easily dealt with...note that if you're in a small club near the musicians (remember those?) with a band across a stage, you hear all the instruments with timing delays...drummer 10 feet away from the piano, guitar player on the side with plexiglass barriers...whatever...and the result of all that can be great sounding music. Don't be warned off by self appointed experts, except me of course.
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Yes the Excellent very high tech SVS 3000sb  it has won a ton of awards ,a smaller version of the SB16 
and at $995, or 2 for $1900 no brainer it beats subs at $2k each 
and will do honest Bass below 20 HZ  and a very good app.