Do you use variable speed on your turntable?

My turntables JVC TT101 and TT81 both have elaborate speed controls which allow quartz controlled accuracy when the speed is changed in small controlled increments, faster or slower than the selected 33 1/3, or 45 rpm speed.

Many turntables allow this controlled speed variance but besides dj's looking to match beats, who ever uses this very expensive feature? When my tables were made no one was beat matching as far as I know so dj's needs didn't drive this design. I can understand this on 78's because of inaccurate recording technology, but there isn't a 78 speed on these turntables and modern records are probably 99.9% accurate so that wasn't the consideration either.

So what is the point?
Cocoabaroque, I'm not sure I understand you clearly when you say
This is a better method than a visual strobe representation of 33.3, in my opinion.
If I DO understand you, you are saying to adjust the TT speed until an "A" on the recording matches a tone generated "A", which makes perfect sense to me. But then I have a few questions:
Do I need a tone generator? (Suggestions for a cheapie?) Or even better, is there a website that provides accurate tones through your PC's speakers? (wouldn't that be great?!)
Second, finding a sustained "A" in most recorded material doesn't seem all that easy. Any tips?

Nsgarch, any inexpensive tone generator used for musical instruments would be fine-- also I googled and found a few free online websites under "free tone generator" or audio frequency generator".

With most generators, you can choose the pitch, so if the music is in key of D, then you can select your generator to D. It may take a bit getting used to (musicians are more familiar with pitch recognition), but with a little practice, you can match the pitch of the tone generator (any frequency) to the key or pitch of the recording. It really only takes a few seconds when you get used to it. When your skills improve, you can tune to a tone generated "A" even though the music is in key of D. Most of the notes in a musical passage are "centered" around the key. Hope this helps!
Here's a perfect example of HYPE and GOUGE, praying on those of us, concerned with TT speed accuracy: ( This is NOT a, "strobe" at all, but- a simple LASER tachometer, that has been rebranded. They act as though it were something new. LASER tachs have been around for DECADES. Tell me the difference between it and any of these(outside of PRICE and appearance): ( ( ( I own the last one, as it resolves out to hundred thousands, and is a tad bit more accurate(+/- .04%). The ONLY thing you DON'T get with these, is the small disc, with the reflective strip already on it. HARDLY worth $100.00, for something I can make for free(and completely non-essential). The reflective strip, on my record clamp, works just fine(as would a strip on the platter edge). The great thing about this method, is one can measure speed, with the record playing.
Something that got me thinking more about speed accuracy lately, as both of my tables are equipped with AC synchronous motors: ( ( If you are using a strobe disc, that depends on your house lighting's 60Hz flicker, or your table has a motor, dependent on your AC's 60Hz for speed regulation; take note. This may soon become a concern.
If all their planning on doing is eliminating the error correction every night, I don't think anyone will notice except those who still use synchronous clocks. If this is the case, we have that error every day now.