Dodd Preamp Question

How long does it take to break this preamp in? Does it lean toward the bright side?

Does it sound "bright" to you? Does not sound bright to me.

What tubes are you using?

Do you even have one?

How many hrs. do you have on it if you do have one?
I have the Dodd preamp and have about 50 hours on it. I still have the JJ tubes in it. I don't want to change any tubes until I feel that the preamp is completely broken. I have read here on Audiogon that it takes about 100 hours to break this in. I don't know if this going to change drastically by the time I get 100 hours on it or not.....just trying to get other Dodd owners opinions and experience with this unit.

So far my opinion is that this preamp is not actually bright, but it seems to be tilted up abit in the treble region. It certainly isn't overly warm. I am hoping that rolling tubes and more break in time may change this balance slightly.

Give it some time.
My impression is that you want a bit warmer presentation in the middle range and somewhat rolled-off top.
If that is the case, replace JJs with NOS Mullards.
One of the benefits of tube preamp is tailoring the sound by tube rolling.
Being very responsive in that regard is one of Dodd's virtues.

I use the Dodd with NOS Amperex 7308's. They're not cheap, but boy do they sound fantastic. I never even installed the JJ's, so I can't comment in regard to break-in with those tubes. In my experience, the changes of this pre during breakin were not significant. My guess is that at 50 hrs. you pretty much know the character of the pre with those tubes. The Sixmoons review of the Dodd with stock tubes is pretty much in line with your assessment. I agree with Mrjstark that Mullards would be a good choice if you're seeking more warmth. The Amperex are ever so slightly on the warm side of neutral, but maintain a wonderful clarity.
Amperex tubes are worthy recommendation.
Cruz is right about their characteristics and it could prove to be good starting point in fine tuning your system in the right direction.

I've also used Amperex Bugle Boys in my Dodd and they were quite good as well. Not as "middle-rangey" as Mullards but proportionaly balanced throughout the frequencies with touch of exitement and sparkle.