I'm not saying Blind Tests or any tests are not useful sometimes. Im pointing out the fallacy that blind tests or ANY tests can prove an argument. A test is only one data point. If the results are negative or inconclusive it might be due to errors in the test. Therefore when naysayers throw up Blind Tests as a way to prove something or another it's a logical fallacy. Same for any tests, you have to take all the tests and their results and analyze them.I agree completely. Another fallacy is when people say, "He flunked a blind test." The devices under test in an abx blind evaluation don't include the listener. The test is designed to judge components. If a listener claims to hear differences between two components when sighted, but can't identify the difference in a blind test, we can only conclude that the difference - if it exists - was not detected by that listener during that blind test. The result does not prove that there is no difference.