Does anyone notice a reduction in sound quality when a tuner is part of ther audio chain?

I notice that when my tuner is taken out of my audio rack/chain that the sound quality from my system is significantly better. I like the sound of my tuner but when disconnecting it I find the cd player has a much quieter overall sound.  If my tuner is attached but turned off I still find the sound quality less than if the tuner is disconnected completely. Is my best option to simply disconnect the interconnects from the tuner to the preamp when not using the tuner? Would a better preamp resolve this issue or is it a matter of  RF leakage that would happen with any preamp?
It also depends on the preamp. Some tuners can bleed into the unbalanced inputs if the tuner has a high gain.
Mitchb 4-14-2017
... my tuner is out being repaired which is how I notice the difference in sound. I think it's a matter of RF which is leaking from tuner input into the rest of the preamp. I think it's not resolvable unless I actually unplug the tuner's interconnects from the preamp.I would leave the tuner plugged into ac when not in use but left off and unplugged from preamp. I'm hoping this would be my solution. Any thoughts or advice?
I'm not sure that unplugging the interconnects from the preamp will help, although it might.  I see in your system description that your MD-106T tuner is located immediately below your Pass X-1 preamp, and it therefore seems very conceivable to me that the tuner may be radiating RFI into the preamp's circuitry through the air.

When you get the tuner back it may be informative to plug it into the AC and bring a portable battery powered AM radio close to it, with the radio tuned to an unused frequency and its volume control set to a position you would normally use.  If you hear a lot of noise from the radio when it is brought close to the tuner and/or close to the connectors on its rear panel, even when the tuner is turned off, it would say that the key to a solution may be to relocate the tuner.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al

"...system sounds much better when my streamer is unplugged.."

Really? Can you please elaborate on how are your components physically organized, e.g., one on top of the other, on a rack, etc., particularly the streamer? Also, some specifics about the streamer would be helpful, e.g., WiFi or hardwired, etc. I just find it real intriguing to hear that sort of experience.

I unplugged my streamer and some other devices after reading a one page Greg Weaver article in the Mar/2017 TAS... Cleaner AC Power