Does anyone own a Dynavector HX-1.2 power amp?

Hi, I was wondering if there are Audiogoners here who own a Dynavector HX-1.2 power amplifier? I am interested in hearing what equipment they partnered it with. I had the covers of the heatsinks screen painted with the new Maori Hook logos, and it looks awesome! I would love to exchange pictures, etc. Thanks!
Hi again,

It seems that nobody is using a Dynavector HX-1.2 power amplifier? How can that be? An amp made like that, and nobody has anything to say about it? Very weird.
I own two to bi-amp a pair of Neat Ultimatum MF9's. You haven't received many responses to your query, because there are only 5 or so HX1.2s in the US. It is a wonderful amplifier: powerful, delicate and musical. Dynavector's replacement for the HX1.2 is currently in development and hopefully will be even better, a difficult task indeed.
Hi there, Well, it seems that you have a marvellous hi-fi set. It's a pity that so few people enjoy the HX-1.2. Have you ever heard the HX-1.2 partnered with a pair of Shahinian speakers? Problem here in Belgium is that I am probably the only one that owns a Dynavector amp, and nobody stocks the Shahinians. Some of the hi-fi dealers never even heard of them. And Dynavector is associated with cartridges. A real shame. It's true that Dynavector is working on the new generation power amplifier, but it's the HX-75 and L-200 that are being updated. I also know that Dynavector is working on a few surprises too, but at the moment they are still "top secret", but it should be very interesting. Some updates will we done to the HX-1.2 power amplifier, like balanced inputs since the L-300 has balanced outputs. If you want to exchange some pictures, I can always be reached at Should be interesting.

I've been using a Dynavector HX-1.2 for the past 8 or 9 years. Run it with a Meridian 500/518/566.24 CD, Audio Research LS 7 pre and Shahinian Hawk speakers. The HX1.2 is a very musical amp, drives the Hawks with ease and has been totally reliable. Plan to upgrade the LS 7 with a Dynavector L-300 when I can get my hands on one and perhaps add a second HX-1.2 to bi-amp and really make the Hawks fly. The Meridian is also about to get the push in favour of the G08 or new 808.