Does anyone use wood for vibration control?

What kind of wood have you found to be best?

Hi Tablejockey

I don't want to talk directly about Mapleshade, but the first question I have is, did you keep your stock feet on your table and what is the table?

Nothing wrong with the Target cutting board. I'm sure there are a lot of Ikea and Target audiophiles out there getting great sound. It's not a matter of buying HEA, it's a matter of what works.



File my posts under "Wow, this guy is so good, I just cannot keep up. Wikipedia betrayed me."

Speaking of wood, let's say walnut as above, do you take into consideration the time/season it was harvested?

Once upon a time, it was emphasized in some of the products. I am not sure if it was more for marketing purposes or it really mattered that much. There was something about density of the wood depending on the season (wet, dry, something like that). For a casual follower, it does make theoretical sense at least.

If true, accurate comparison of different wood samples would have to include harvesting timing.
Here comes the old Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby routine. What about this? What about that? It’s such a nice day outside, too.
Breaking gnus!

It is not that nice of a day outside. You did not get even that one right.

I am sorry geoffkait, you really do not get it. Wrong direction. Toot-toot.