Does high end system with dedicated circuits need grounding products


I believe a high end system even with dedicated circuits benefits from improved cabling and fuses.

I am wondering though if most people here feel.additional benefit from after market grounding product like Synergistic Research active grounding block se.

I like SR products so if you feel its snake oil please start your own thread.

I am interested in those that have experiences in their own system with after market grounding products like SR or others especially in a high end system.

I get if no dedicated circuit or if use inn room where TV or computer but if dedicated and no pc in room nor TV with high end equipment bit skeptical the grounding aspect would make much difference though I get the SR active grounding products contain other features. 
@8th-note   Your post brings up a very good point. IME, a big wall sucking amp will almost always need a dedicated line. Not so much for the little flea powered or lower powered amp. The voltage sag that you mention is the culprit...which doesn't seem to really have to do so much with grounding. In my system, with my big Rowland on the dedicated line, I get better sound from not having any other gear on that line, even though it is a 20 amp line! OTOH, with my lower powered tube amps, this is not a requirement and all can easily be accommodated on the dedicated line. 
Well despite my low expectations I am going to try the SR Active Block SE to add to my dedicated circuits and power conditioner and see if I like the addition.

The only reason that I am willing to risk it frankly is because I can return it.

I am guessing it will have some effect so question will be whether the difference is positive over time and enough to justify the costs (albeit I got a good price).
well ok I have enjoyed the SR active block SE for several days and my impressions are positive.

I generally like something new to sound better immediately and that box was checked here. Sure it could be perception bias or lot of other subjective things but a good start. Nothing worse than first thing you notice is sounds worse or sounds the same.

The other factor is listening for several days with both digital and analog sources. I find that the bigger improvement is with digital. I would say that in my system at least its worth it just for digital. Soundstage seemed bigger and/or better instrument separation. However, I only listen to digital 25 percent of the time.

Luckily I found it made an improvement as well with analog albeit less pronounced. I believe that for one thing its not recommended to connect the turntable or phono cable to the ground block. So the benefit is indirect from everything else plugged into the ground block.

As much as I was kind of hoping budget-wise to just return this item it seems its worth the money for me since my dealer threw in several hd cables to lessen the financial pain. I did not try any of the basic cables.

I know some people scoff at SR or at grounding blocks in general but if you can audition yourself at home not sure insisting that it cannot help is very open minded approach to this hobby.