Hi In shore,
Thanks for clarifying. I think I understand your comment/frustration better now.
It seems you are, like myself, already convinced that HiRez offers the best sonic performance of currently available music sources. You're just looking for more information and discussion about good HiRez files, their sonic qualities and where they're available. And, when you are able to find threads containing this info, the threads tend to peter out.
If my understanding is correct, I would have to agree with you but still think you may be seeking info on the wrong site. I love Audiogon but would say, in general, forum topics are more concerned with equipment than music.
I would suggest visiting Mark Waldrep's site at AIX Records. He teaches about audio and audio recording as a professor at a California college but puts out a daily newsletter on audio subjects on his AIX site, mainly HiRez related. He's a big proponent of HiRez file suppliers needing to list the 'Provenance' of the downloads they sell. By 'Provenance', he is basically referring to the download's history; was it re-recorded from an analog LP or CD master? (which he argues is not HiRez since it will not sound better than the original master since it is just a standard resolution recording re-recorded on to a HiRez 'bucket') or was it recorded live digitally using HiRez recording equipment? (which he does on his AIX files and argues are HiRez and sound significantly better than those remixed from analog masters).
His arguments make a lot of sense to me and, as a result, I've only been buying downloads that are listed as being recorded directly to digital with good results thus far. I have not purchased any AIX downloads yet but I have bought a few from a European site called Sound Liaison www.soundliaison.com/. I bought and downloaded 2 24bit/96khz FLAC files of Jennifer Gomes songs recorded live in a studio direct to digital and both are excellent.
I consider myself just at the beginning of my computer audio journey, having all the required software and equipment well integrated into my system. While I have my entire CD collection now stored on my NAS, I currently have a limited number ofHiRez music files. I may be at a similar stage as you since I'm now less concerned with setup and now more concerned with finding good HiRez music files to download. However, getting back to this thread's topic, I have absolutely no doubt that HiRez 24/96 FLAC files sound better than my ripped CDs; more detailed, better dynamics and more of a sense of being in the same venue as the musicians.
I hope this helped you,