Does it still pay to buy a $3k CD player

? I see many people still interested in spending a fair amount for CD only players. I am particularly speaking of the link regarding the Wadia/Resolution Audio. I know they are great pieces. But, how far off are the Sony's (SACD players) in CD only replay? After spending 3K on hardware,a lot of us would be more comfortable with the investment if we were also able to buy new software, SACD. Which way to go?
It is not far off and in fact I prefer my SCD-1 to the Wadia 7/9 combo that I have had in my system in times past. I have not heard the Resolution 50 thus I cannot comment. Carl Eber who writes quite a bit here is seemingly taken by the playback of the Res 50. I submit that the Sony SCD-1 when broken in plays CD's with the best of them (My reference before the Sony was the Meitner Super Bidat) and when it comes to the SCD-1 I prefered it over the Bidat. Standard CD can not match SACD I don't care if you upsample it to 96 or 192 or 384khz. If the information is not amount of anything will play something that does not exist. I just bought the Groove Note Autumn Leaves SACD by Jacintha. I already owned the 24k gold CD (PCM) version of this disc and the SACD version had my mouth hanging open...IT IS THAT MUCH BETTER THAN CD. Forget the naysayers ride the wave, what do you have to lose anyway. At 3K you still have a superb CD player and SACD capability. Regards, Mike
SACD1 or the cheaper version or SCD777ES will do for the $3k range and this will beat most of the CDP in that price range or much more. Most CD only transports in $5k-10k range do not even match up with the SCD players's transport if you opt go with an outboard DAC.
I will only respond from a non sacd owner, point of view. The early bird always pays for the early conversion. 2nd gen.players may be better and cheaper.By then there may be more titles.Hey if you got to be first on your block go for it.If you have a couple hundred cd's already the cd only sound can be bettered with a used cd player for less money,if you shop audiogon