after hearing sonus fabers and eggleston andra's, i personally lost interest in wilson audio's quest to make "the best speakers in the world". one of the absolutely best MADE, no question. but sound-wise, while they are incredibly resolving,
they are perhaps some of the most analytical speakers out there (recall the WP-5's, the X-1's, or the cubs). UNLESS OF COURSE you can fork out whatever a pair of Alexandrias is going for these days. 'cause once you hear THEM you'll "understand" just how crazy-smart d.wilson is. luckily for years now other manufacturer's/designers are on to this marketing scheme and have some of their own amazing SOUNDING speakers to offer (and many for alot less money- like perhaps the new Revel Salons).
they are perhaps some of the most analytical speakers out there (recall the WP-5's, the X-1's, or the cubs). UNLESS OF COURSE you can fork out whatever a pair of Alexandrias is going for these days. 'cause once you hear THEM you'll "understand" just how crazy-smart d.wilson is. luckily for years now other manufacturer's/designers are on to this marketing scheme and have some of their own amazing SOUNDING speakers to offer (and many for alot less money- like perhaps the new Revel Salons).