Does this translate?

In the current issue of Stereophile magazine ( June) is a write up of the new Aavik U-380. This piece of gear is a DAC, amp and phono stage. The amp is a Class D design. The reviewer is Jason Victor Serinus who concludes his review with this statement: "if I haven't convinced you of the U-380's worth by now, perhaps it's back to Fuller I should go"

Now here's the thing, this piece of gear is priced at $39,000-!!
So two questions...does this piece translate to $39,000- worth of electronics, ( i say no way) and secondly...should JVS go back to Fuller? ( I say
What say you?
Based on slim evidence, I think he's saying he was a Fuller brush salesman, who if he hasn't sold you should go back to being a Fuller brush salesman. Seeing as this is a $39k piece of gear I would hope for a review and not a sales pitch. Seeing as this is Stereophile that's probably asking way too much. 

What it translates to is: journalism is dead. Long live the narrative.
This is a big rippoff class D are they joking nothing class D is worth 39k.There are much better int amps out there for a lot less money.For that money you could get amp,preamp,phono stage and dac.Stereophile loves everything anyway.