Donald Fagen's Nightfly - Love it or Hate it?

I am intrigued by this album. The first time i I heard it I was immediately hooked - I love it's laidback sound with puchy lines and funky beat...

What do you like (or hate) about it?

Fav tracks: New Frontier, Maxine & Nightfly - Your's?

Dewald Visser
Well if you were a bit more literate or careful when you read I stated I was listening to the vinyl version of "The Nightfly" while I was posting, I understand you got rubbed wrong on a private issue when I didnt agree with you, now it appears you troll me posts in an effort to insult me.
Do you not have anything better to do?
Plain & simple: love it! Anything touched by Fagan is pretty much guaranteed to be interesting either intellectually, sonically or musically.

Being a drummer, I agree with others who find the percussion a bit one dimensional. The recording history of Fagan & Becker is riddled with stories of overzealous perfectionism. Their demands of machine perfect time/groove are legend.

I had the chance to see Steely Dan this past summer in Charlotte, NC. Their performances were lifeless shells of the classic hits that I learned and 'borrowed' from coming up, as they saw fit to replace extraordinary grooves with over-simplified, generic and very forgettable drumming. It was very disappointing.
when i bought my first cd player in 1984-5 this was one of the first 5 cd's i purchased and loved this recording. when i went to school people in my dorm thought i was nuts for playing it.

now all these years later i only listen to new frontier and walk between the raindrops. i find the too much of this cd is repetitive and mechanical sounding
I'm not in love with this album as I am with Steely Dan albums; I'll take a Steely Dan record over this anyday.