Doubting Sound Treatment ?

3 years ago I purchased an 11 piece Kit from a reputable company. I noticed improvements, but wasn’t instantly blown away. Now 3 years later I took it all down for a home move. Bass definition noticeably less. Instrument placement less good. Overall coherence less. Not a as intimate. Far less enjoyable, simply put. If your on the fence, get past it. Better improvements with the treatment than most of us hope for when we change Preamp, Amp, or Speakers. Doubt no more !
Cheers ! 
@ivan_nosnibor, it sounds like you have quite the project on your hands!  But it also sounds like you have a good plan and the proper guidance. I wish you all the best for the desired outcome. I would be interested to see/hear how your progress is coming along. 
Thanks @jdeickhoff. Yes, it is definitely going to be a hatful. Originally I thought I would post the whole thing after it was done, but now I think it would be too much to try to explain in retrospect, so I may post it, pics and all, in one place somewhere, after construction starts and provide updates as I go.
Anyone here with firsthand experience with Acoustic Fields active carbon products that can speak to the improvements they experienced after installing them? 
@jdesj - I too looked into Roxul, Rock Wool, 703/704 and other products for a DIY solution. During my research I discovered many health concerns about those products. Not that we all don’t make calculated decisions daily, but with 2 young children at home, my conscience would not let me take that chance. 
Remember if you can ..the thicker the better ...don’t skimp on thickness and stay away from thin panels such as 1 to 2” they are basically worthless.