Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
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There is certainly something going on with the Schroeder double interconnect (DI) arrangement.
I'm have two sets of DIY DI's which I've made up with low cost Mogami w2534 star quad microphone cable - terminated to single xlr connectors, i.e. no 'Y' adapters. The DI's are between my Benchmark DAC3L, HPA4 pre and bridged mono AHB2's
I'm getting greater apparent dynamics/impact, better separation and dimensionality to instruments/voices  - which seem to be presented in bolder relief with better timbral detail - and a more expansive feel to the soundstage but without loss of focus. There is also a non-fatiguing quality to the music that doesn't seem to impact detail.

I'd still like to do further listening to see if there are any negative consequences to these changes.
What strikes me the most about is not that these changes cover a wide range of attributes or characteristics of sound quality; I find that cables globally influence the system's sound. What amazes me is the degree to which these changes happen with the Schroeder Method. The effect is far beyond what I might have predicted. I thought there might be a deleterious effect, but instead there is a very strong improvement across the board.
I have been looking to update this thread with recent activity. Steve from Audio Sensibility has been sending me Y cables, both RCA and XLR, for assessment and write up. That is underway. He has also been working on a Schroeder Method double IC with his own particular twist. 

Meanwhile, I have used the double IC on a very heavy hitter speaker system with outstanding, nay, spectacular success. I will say this; it was paired with the previously mentioned Benchmark AHB2 amplifier, and the result is glorious. Other amps tested to follow. 

The outcome of all this is so far beyond expectations. I'm still looking for input from another manufacturer to see how far I can take this. This is no minor improvement, this is an ultra-efficacious method. 

(For those just joining, please see the discussion on appropriate systems for use with Schroeder Method. Do not presume any and all rigs are appropriate. At this point there is in place a caution regarding class D amps. That may change in the future, but not at this point. This is a do at your own risk activity.) 

My responses from manufacturers, designers, etc. in regards to the suitability of trying, and the efficaciousness of Schroeder Method has covered the full spectrum. Some laugh it off, while others discuss potential issues that they feel the Schroeder Method should be avoided. Yet others find it fascinating and say they will try. Some feel it's benign in terms of what equipment it could be used with, and the most recent tech with a background in electrical systems said it will always improve a system. He feels I stumbled on to one of the few absolute ways to improve signal transfer.

That's not an official go ahead to try with class D amp!