Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....

Let's bring this back to the foreground. I'm not surprised that it is sitting quietly now; there are enough cautions that many will not try it. I suspect that only the most adventurous have done the Schroeder Method. I also suspect there are others who have tried and not reported back yet.

Meanwhile, the results have gone from wonderful to astounding. I just put together a Schroeder Method XLR with Clarity Cables Organic ICs and I'm astonished at the result.  I'm building better and better systems with it and there seems to be no limit in sight for improvement of the sound. 

I run mogami balanced cables . I have a spare set here.  How do I I incorporate the second set ? 
Just wanted to share I have made some for my customers and they love them. Folks are contacting me about these so there is still interest.  Folks reading here don’t neccessarily post. 
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Hello everyone.  Tried the basic Schroeder method 3 weeks ago but did not post then because I am the skeptics skeptic.  I removed and replaced the cables 3 times because I disbelieved my own ears.  I finally invited 3 audiophile friends and did a "blind" test.  They were shocked to put it mildly.  All three have read this thread as Grannyring surmised and all three doubled up on ICs to pre amp.  Since I am bi amping Hi's and Lows thru a Marchand crossover I am trying to solve the mechanics of doing a "Schroeder" to each amp.  Thanks Doug--such a vast improvement to an old school system.  PS.  I am using a TBI sub amp that is class D but only running that off a pre amp with a single rca.