Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
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Hello everyone.  Tried the basic Schroeder method 3 weeks ago but did not post then because I am the skeptics skeptic.  I removed and replaced the cables 3 times because I disbelieved my own ears.  I finally invited 3 audiophile friends and did a "blind" test.  They were shocked to put it mildly.  All three have read this thread as Grannyring surmised and all three doubled up on ICs to pre amp.  Since I am bi amping Hi's and Lows thru a Marchand crossover I am trying to solve the mechanics of doing a "Schroeder" to each amp.  Thanks Doug--such a vast improvement to an old school system.  PS.  I am using a TBI sub amp that is class D but only running that off a pre amp with a single rca.
Very nice feedback, especially from our "skeptic's skeptic"! Kudos for trying! Yours is the kind of response that should get people thinking. I presume your friends found it worthwhile. "Vast improvement" is an accurate description, not exaggeration.

Elizabeth, I have changed resistors and caps on the PureAudioProject Trio15 Horn 1 Speaker with nice results, as well as the "internal wiring". So, I'm not surprised that there is a difference in doubling resistors.

maplegrovemusic, if you have not read my article on Schroeder Method at, and associated discussion, you should. At this time there are certain precautions in place to prevent potential problems with unknowns, i.e. not at this time recommended for class D amps. Do not go blindly into a "do at your own risk" activity. To do XLR Schroeder Method you need standard Y cables to double the cables, then a pair of what I call "reducing Y cables" that are double female to single male. Most that are found commonly are garbage, and sound accordingly. Audio Sensibility (under review) has the normal Y cables for XLR, but has added the reducing Y cables for XLR due to Schroeder Method.  
Thanks Doug , I think I will have Grannyring - Bill, make me up some with the Dueland wire . Don't worry . I will not be using them with the Exogal ion/comet I have . I take it you have not tried it with your Ion ? Or have you corresponded with the Exogal team about it ? Thanks,mike.
I have used the Exogal Comet alone with Schroeder Method several times, and in fact now it is in a system that has blown out of the water the previous conclusion of what that DAC can do. Some radical results happening lately. 

I have not tried doubling the umbilical between the Comet and Ion. Most definitely I would have to talk to Exogal first to see what they thought of it. I like the idea of extreme improvements, but I also like the idea of not blowing up stuff.