Down sizing

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could help. My wife and children have recently relocated me and my audio system to a small room in the house (approximately 9’x11’). It is nice to have an office/audio room to myself, but the room is much too small for my current setup (Speakers: Dynaudio 1.3 MK II; Amp: BAT VK-200; Pre amp: Rouge 99; CDP: Cary 303).

Given my situation, I wanted to scale down my system without losing any of the sound quality of my current system. Since my room is so small, I can move into lower powered amps (tubes?) or even a quality integrated amp. At minimum, I need to change speakers. If I place the dynaudios where they sound best (far out into the room), I sit on the other side of them.

I would appreciate any guidance you can give.

By the way I listen to some rock, pop, but mostly jazz.

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My room is almost the exact same dimensions. I run my Wadia 860x directly connected to an Audio Research VT-50 (50 watt tube amp) balanced which drive small ProAc 1SC monitors. This is really quite an amazing little system that doesnt take up much room and is very satisfying musically. I too listen to the same styles of music. I would also recommend setting your system up against the long side of the room for the best near-field listening. This will increase your soundstage and in most cases works much better overall in such small rooms. Good luck.....
I would recommend the Audio Physic Step SLE speaker, if you can find a pair used. I just got a pair and am listening to them on my long wall from about eight feet away. They are amazing little speakers! Bass is quite satisfying. Sound is very transparent, yet non-fatigueing. I might sell my pair, as I have found another pair in Yew finish that goes better with my decor (oak). My pair now are the Macassar Ebony.
I would trongly suggest Legend Starlet integrated amp and Legend monitor speakers. Fantastic sound for reasonable amount of $$! Simply amazing set-up, and you can also hear similar feedback from people that visited this year, CES show.
I've been in your situation in almost the EXACT same size room. Lots of good advice so far. I did a lot of trial and error, but the best results that I achieved were with a pair of Aerial Acoustics Model 5s on the long wall. I used the Audio Physic speaker positioning suggestions and the results were nothing less than stunning. I drove them with a Classe DR-9/DR-5 combination. Ported speakers and/or those with any significant amount of bass will drive you nuts. I believe that this is why the Aerials worked so well...sealed enclosure with not much bass below 70Hz. My musical tastes are also similar to yours and it was very satisfying. The second best speakers that I tried were the Magnepan MMGs. The 1.6s (which I also tried) were just too big.

Best of luck. It can definitely be done, but you'll have to be very careful about speaker selection. Luckily, you've got a great resource here on AudiogoN.