DSD vs PCM .. Truth or Myth

Just been reading this article which raises a lot of points and questions.

I found it interesting at least.


Just think if SACD had been dsd128 and 5 bit? Might have been a lot more successful?
To me, Sony is the fail. "IF" Sony had converted the entire catalog to dual CD/SACD and sold only those. (at near CD prices). Then enough folks would begin having SACDs to decide to buy a SACD machine.
Exactly my point indeed.

A golden opportunity missed on a huge scale by Sony.

A real shame and Sony only have themselves to blame.

Wonder if there were any ritual harikari committed at Sony HQ?
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DSD provides no benefit over PCM, the article’s (correct) point in a nutshell.
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DSD implementation in my current player is better than the implementation of decoding PCM in the machine I had owned.

What does that mean? How was PCM poorly decoded/played in your system? Did you have aliasing/images?

Plus yesterday’s result may no longer apply tomorrow, no problem. in the real world, they both have average, good, and spectacular implementations..
Not when it’s unrefutable that DSD provides no benefit over PCM from a technical standpoint (I sound like someone with a bone to pick, but it is a fact). DSD is converted PCM anyway