For me it's analogue active. After the digital to analogue conversion, adding another conversion to digital then to analogue again doesn't seem transparent. I know, DSP allows for things that an analogue crossover will never allow you to do, important things like time alignement, slope selection, sometimes FIR filters... but my question is: do we ALWAYS need those? Isn't it better to try to solve things differently? Time-align physically when needed (and possible)? Use drivers that don't need EQ? treat your room, not your signal? etc etc.
I just love the way my simple Sublime Acoustic K231 crossover sounds. It doesn't mess with the signal.
We are all different and are all sensitive to different things, I guess, and there's no absolute answer that fits each and every situation. That's the beauty of this hobby.
Still, I have a feeling DSP has become the "universal solution" for everything these days, for a certain percentage of audiophiles, and to me that is not the way to deal with things.