Considering that Mobile Fidelity got away with sneaking a A/D conversion and a D/A conversion into their Original Master LPs for fifteen years perhaps analog purist aren't as able to hear digital processing as they have believed themselves to be. Online I have been called a tin eared apostate heretic because I use a DEQX DSP to crossover, control and regulate my DIY fully horn loaded triamplified speakers. I've been asked by analog purists why I even bother to play LPs on my Clearaudio turn table since the digital process is going to "obviously" screw up the sound.
My system wouldn't be possible with analog crossovers since I use folded corner horns for the bass and midrange and super tweeter horns well out into the room for better imaging. Counting the horn path inside the bass bins plus the actual physical separation between woofers and mids the acoustic centers of those drivers are nearly seventeen feet apart. Yet with DSP the timing is adjusted so that they sound as though the acoustic centers of those drivers are within less than 1/8" of each other. Also I really like the blend of the three drivers with all roll off slopes set at 96dB per octave. Neither I nor my audiophile friends are able to hear the 200 Hz crossover point between the woofer horns and midrange horns with test tones, frequency sweeps or music. The same is true of the mid to super tweeter crossover.
I don't doubt that the DSP exacts some toll on the SQ though I can't hear it. But then so would analog crossover with even the best component parts. Obviously my vote is for DSP.