dts question

I am thinking of upgrading my system by incorporating a dts decoder. I already have a dolby digital decoder though. Does anyone know the difference and know if it is worth getting into. Is there a noticable differnece betweene dts and dolby digital. And if there is a difference, is it small or large.

any inputs will be greatly appriciated...
Tiggerpooh...even a basic $40 dvd player should decode DTS. Are you sure you don't already have the ability to do this?
....er, um,...you guys should look at the date of the original post...the thread was originally posted more than four years ago in 2003. I'm sure the Tigerman has gotten his act together by now. Four years is a lifetime ago in audio/video.
01-01-08: Mitch4t
....er, um,...you guys should look at the date of the original post...the thread was originally posted more than four years ago in 2003.
Ha ha! Good one.
