Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling

I have been an avid user of the Duelund cabling for over two years now and have used them exclusively in my system with great results. I have built many for friends and have used a full loom of interconnects, speaker cables, power cords and an extensive wiring modification for a previously owned balanced power conditioner utilizing Duelund 600V PolyCast wiring which was transformative. My cabling desires can be a little addictive as I have owned and evaluated 40+ brands of cabling costing more than an entire stereo system!

Over the past six months I stumbled upon a thread here on Audiogon in regards to a Helix designed cabling and as you probably already know, I just had to look a little deeper into this cable design…After a month of studying and sourcing parts, I decided to reach out to the designer/architect, Williewonka who gave more insights and philosophy on how the cable came into existence.

That conversation got the ball rolling in converting one of my KLE Duelund interconnects to Steve’s Helix designed which only entailed replacing the neutral with a Mil-Spec 16 AWG silver-plated copper wire with the neural wire being 3 times longer than the signal wire and of course the “Coiling” of the neutral wire : )

After the modification was complete, I was not sure what to expect from the Helix cabling but I was quite shocked with the results with “ZERO” burn-in time…The sound stage became much wider/deeper with a much tighter/focused image and clarity/transparency is like nothing I have ever heard in any cabling regardless of cost. In fact, I just sold a full loom of a commercially designed Helix Cable that’s renowned around the world and has more direct sale than any cable manufacturer; these $200 DIY Helix Cables walked all over them…

I believe you will hear the same results as I have and have heard back from friends who have already modified their Duelunds with the same results; WOW! Remember the cables will need 200+ hours to burn-in and settle into your system. My system is now 90% DIY Helix to include IC, SC, PC and Coax with each cabling adding its beauty of an organic and natural presentation that draws you into the fabric of the music.

You can tailor the sound of your cables using Duelund, Mundorf silver/1% gold, the outstanding Vh Audio OCC Solid Copper or Silver with Airlok Insulation or your favorite wiring and you can change it at any time…








Dual run Helix air speaker cables is friggin awesome WOW! Everything is just more mature and "confident", better in all aspects. I just noticed the beginning of Cæcilie Nordby - Set them free (Dali CD2). I’ve always found the sound to break down at the beginning, like things became too dynamic or complex and the illusion just broke down, and wondered if it was supposed to sound like that (there is a hefty hammond organ that overlies everything else, when the rest of the band takes off). Well it was not, there is not even a hint of it now, just rock solid sound. Steve, you’re a pure cable champ! :-D Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.
@svampebob - many thanks for the very positive feedback :-)

But really, I consider myself just the scribe, because there have been many people from around the world and also from this very forum, that are responsible for getting the cables to this level of performance.

The efforts from everyone have been amazing and the Helix cables would not be so effective without their contributions.

Continuing feedback also provides insights that provides information about how the cables work across a very broad range of components.
  • e.g. we now know the cables do not perform their best with certain components that follow a symmetrical balanced design approach

This is a great example of what can be achieved via collaboration
  • so KUDO's  to "The HELIX Team" !

I very much appreciate all of the feedback and the sharing of knowledge

Regards - Steve


After reading this thread and your website several times I discovered the Jantzen wire for neutral was also recommended which I was able to find here in Vietnam, I’m an expat retired and you just don’t go down to a radio shack or order online and puff your item shows up in a couple of days it doesn’t work that way in s.e Asia and yes I agree with your description between the zip cord and quality wire. 
Regarding wire being wound counter clockwise doesn’t wire that has been soldered need to be broken in again ( thought I read that somewhere and it certainly sounds that way when I’ve done that in the past ) and re winding the wire would require break in again of at least 50 hrs.

Currently both dc cables have 96 hrs after installation of the Jantzen 16 g wire and are sounding very good indeed.

Thank you
@tecknik - RE:
Regarding wire being wound counter clockwise doesn’t wire that has been soldered need to be broken in again ( thought I read that somewhere and it certainly sounds that way when I’ve done that in the past ) and re winding the wire would require break in again of at least 50 hrs.
It depends how critical your system and ears are :-)
  • but generally, yes, additional burn in is beneficial
  • even if I "reseat" (i.e. disconnect/reconnect) a broken-in cable, I have found that allowing 24 hours to settle before critical listening proved beneficial.
Also, I am very glad to hear the DC cables are providing sonic improvements

Regards - Steve